This unfortunate news broke the whole internet wear everyone was stunned. The famous Hulk and He-man real name Valdir Segato passed away quite young. He died at the age of 55 leaving all his admirers and close ones mourning for a lifetime. The news is still hard to adjust to. The star was popular was injecting Synthol for building muscles. Valdir was a fitness lover. This act of injecting Synthol gave him another title called Valdir Synthol. However, all this fitness and exercise didn’t make him love more. Read the article to know why the Brazilian fitness lover died at the age of 55.
Who is Valdir Segato?
Valdir Segato was a popular bodybuilder in Brazil whose origins are traced to Sao Paulo. He attained it by injecting Synthol into his body. We can say as a body maintainer he explored his aspiration from Arnold Schwarzenegger.
His body structure was so loved by his fans that he got another title Hulk or He-man, also a monster with it. He also explored different fields as he not only was a fitness freak but also a TikTok. He used to upload several videos on the app. He commonly used to share fitness-related videos on his id. He got 1.6 million followers on TikTok. However, after he injected the Synthol he also received plenty of threats for not injecting it from then. He was ignorant even after receiving all the warnings and continued to grow his muscles more.
Why did Valdir die?
Valdir Segato earlier used to work in a construction company as a worker there. As per the reports provided by Daily Mail the star died on his 55th birthday. However, death’s reason is unknown. Though it is revealed to the media that he did complain about his shortness of breath before he died.
However, we can’t miss the fact that Valdir did ignore the words of doctors and his admirers not to take any Synthol injection. As this was very harmful as it can cost his life too. Although he continued to inject it.
Netizens’ reaction to the death
Since the news broke out among the people, netizens are trying to give tribute in one form or other. The fans are giving heartfelt messages and condolences to his family.
As per the reports Valdir is buried and there was no autopsy performed. No revelation is given about his sudden death.