What is Kelis and Beyonce’s Twitter Drama related to The Renaissance Album?

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What is Kelis and Beyonce’s Twitter Drama related to The Renaissance Album?

Who is not aware of the famous celebrities Kelis and Beyonce? Each step of such popular celebrities is noted, and it becomes more sparkling when they are involved in a fight. Yes, you heard it right both the stars are having Twitter Fight going on. 

Want to know what the singer commented about Renaissance that caused all the trouble? Why does it happen even after they don’t have any hostility toward each other? 

What is the Renaissance album conflict?

When the fans of amazing singer Beyonce got to know that Beyonce’s album is leaked online, they were disheartened. The album was called Renaissance. Many fans were reacting to the tune while on the other hand, some realized something odd. They realized that it had Kelis’s music sample in it. However, this was not the turning point of their relationship. 


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What was the scene between Kelis and Beyonce?

The rumors started to spread like a fire on social media platforms like Twitter. It stated that a song named Kelis might be the sample for the coming album. This was the rise of the turmoil. The reason behind this is that Keli’s song ‘Get Along with You had a sample from Beyonce’s energy song. The song was Renaissance, and Keli was given the credit as the song’s author. 

After this, Keli commented on an Instagram post regarding the scenario. It stated that she was simply learning her music which was sampled by the world. She also said she learned from the whole scenario as everyone else did. She also stated that the morals and values of certain people who are expected to be continuous are not. It can be very deceiving and can blow anyone’s mind. 

A project divided into 3 parts 

Beyonce has given a great gift to all the fans by telling them the details about the awaited album called Renaissance. After knowing that it is a three-part project it will be more fun and exciting. The singer used her social media platform and wrote, that this three-part production was recorded during the epidemic time for 3 years. It was a tenure of calmness and full of creativity. 


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