An unfortunate has been spreading that Shonka Dukureh, the 44-year-old actress has passed away. She gained popularity with the help of her newly released biopic called Elvis. As per reports, Shonka was found dead on the floors of her bathroom. One of the kids realized that Shonka is not responding to any of their comments. The neighbor as soon as they heard the news dialed 911. The reason behind her death is still a mystery. No criminal act is expected here. Family members are waiting for the autopsy reports.
Shonka completed her studies at Fisk, and she lived in Nashville for some time. This information was provided by Mayor John Cooper. He is a form of condolence said with the help of her music and voice the veteran will be remembered.
What do you know about Shonka Dukureh?
According to our information, Dukureh graduated from Fisk University, Nashville with subjects in theatre. She pursued her master’s education at Trevecca Nazarene University. She did her sole acting in the songwriter Willie Mae Thornton’s “Big Mama”, also with R & B singer.
in tribute of Shonka Dukureh who sang Hound Dog so perfectly, you’ll never be forgotten🕊🤍
— cla saw Elvis x9 (@shannarabutler) July 21, 2022
She also has worked with Baz Luhrmann who is a filmmaker and performed with Austin Butler, Tom Honks, and Olivia DeJonge. All this turned out to be a great situation for her. She had a few albums and worked on gospel music when we talk about her work. According to reports, her inspiration for her album came out from Elvis. This was said to be a celebration of rock n roll music, which was a tribute to the blue music genre.
About Dukureh’s personal life?
Dukureh has kept her life private and not much is known about her life. She had two kids. She some time back had posted a video clip of herself and a small boy. She posted the video on Instagram. She also agreed one of the kids loves music.
How do users pay tribute to Dukureh?
Though Shonka debuted in only one movie, however, everyone was mesmerised by her acting and melodious voice.
Shonka Dukureh, who played Big Mama Thornton in Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis film, has died at age 44.
She last appeared at Coachella this year with Doja Cat, and also worked with inner city youth through after-school and summer programs, and will be missed.— Eric Alper 🎧 (@ThatEricAlper) July 21, 2022
Her fans wrote their condolence on Twitter as soon as her passing away news break out. Some users compared her and said she is a legend. Another user commented that she was popular because of her “voice” when she was featured in the movie. She alongside performed Doja Cat which is one of the biggest hits of the year. Another wrote the whole incident is very unfortunate.
Shonka Dukureh was “discovered” for her incredible instrument, starred in a blockbuster film, sang at Coachella with a global superstar and featured on one of 2022’s biggest hits with Doja Cat, and then passed away within a year. This is devastating.
— henny👽💖⚠️ check pronouns plz (@hennyondatweet) July 22, 2022