A woman started posing as Nicki Minaj’s assistant on a social media platform. The woman posted on Instagram and made many allegations against Nicki Minaj. However, the 39 39-year-older refused and claimed all the allegations are false. The woman claimed that she can disclose real files, information, and audio files. She has all of the evidence assembled while working for the singer. Her account on Instagram has been deactivated since then.
Nicki fired her assistant and the DRAMA -threadDon’t @ me no nonsense cause I won’t respond cause I’m not a fan I’m just watching the ☕️ unfold pic.twitter.com/V5jO9V8I94
— brèa (@juicebox_bby) August 1, 2022
What were the comments of Nicki Minaj about her alleged assistant?
During an Instagram life, Nicki denied all the allegations that said to be an assistant. She said those who will accept the rumors will get dumber and dumber. She further said people think that she has hired someone to work for her just to reveal all the secrets now. She then said that she didn’t hire anyone for that. This sounds so stupid she said. You should not believe it she said, you should not believe this kid and should slam all these posts. It’s work done by a kid.
Why do Nicki and Cardi fight in the year 2018?
The former assistant of the singer talked about how there was a dispute between Cardi B and Nicki B. The dispute is going on since 2018. This is also a hot topic going on right now, where people are confused and want to know what is happening. The singer gave comments on Kulture and Cardi B’s daughter. In 2018, as per the reports, they fought the Haper Bazaar Icons party. The party was held during New York Fashion week as per E! Online.
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Nicki gave a cold response to Cardi’s response
The Super Bass Singer’s left eye was injured. Their eye was damaged when the singer charged her and allegedly slapped her red high heel towards her. The whole scenario was spontaneous. Everyone can easily hear Cardi’s voice shouting when she heard it. One witness at the moment said that people either went out of the path or grabbed their phones and started recording the whole scenario. There can be multiple responses to this scenario however, this was something unexpected. Nicki didn’t let Cardi’s behavior change her or influence her. Cardi didn’t let the singer ruin her mood. She barely looked at her.
As the person was one of the well-known personalities of fashion week so the whole incident was very horrifying for all the people present at that time.